GoPay Plus


The KYC experience for any financial service is the most critical as it defines the top of the funnel. Unfortunately this had stagnated for GoPay. This was a big problem for us so me and the team took matters in our hands and we started out with research to understand why this was happening.

Research findings

1. Gaps in user understanding

• Did not understand why KYC was needed (~19%)

• Did not know the benefits of doing KYC

• KYC had no recall

• Users could not find KYC on the app. The current KYC home was buried deep inside user profile and settings

2. Users felt uncomfortable/insecure in sharing their information

• Uncomfortable with sharing their ID/personal information - about 38%

• Afraid that their information will be misused - about 32%

• Funnel drop on the last step before the final submission of their documents - about 50%, they have the intent but the trust is low

3. Unclear rejection reasons

• The rejection reason offered were vague and left users confused

• Also since KYC did not have a proper home, users did not know where to start the process again

• About 35% did not understand why their KYC got rejected

• About 29% were not even aware if their KYC was approved or rejected

4. No clear about guidelines on how to click ID and selfie pictures

• About 85% of all KYC rejections were because of improper and low quality of documents being uploaded

• Majority of the pictures uploaded were either cropped, blurred, in low lighting or had too much glare in them

Rephrasing the problem

Creating brand recall
Improve feature discovery
Nurture trust
Improve UX of clicking selfie and documents

Addressing the problem

Creating brand recall

Addressing it with giving the KYC product a proper name/brand association. Nudging the users to do KYC under this new brand name

Improving feature discovery

We solved for this with contextual nudges and giving a proper home to the newly rebranded KYC

Nurture trust

Reinstate a sense of trust on product screens where needed esp on the screens where documents and other sensitive data is needed

Improve the UX of clicking pictures

We solved for this by integrating a liveness check and real time nudges to help user click that perfect picture

Enter GoPay Plus

A brand new KYC experience with a new home

Contextual and focussed KYC nudges

Reinforced security messages

Real time feedback and liveness check integration


  • The introduction of a GoPay Plus home and providing clear rejections reasons saw an increase of 12% in KYC resubmissions

  • KYC awareness grew from 30% to 33% and then to 67% in 3 months

  • Massive 65% drop in the rejection reasons around ID and selfie image quality and eventually increased overall KYC numbers

  • Liveness check further contributed to this by reducing fraudulent selfies by another 12%

  • 4 million to 8.1million KYC'ed users since we took over

  • 95% conversion increase when payLater was offered as a benefit to do kyc

Write about why ownership matters? Eg in this case the ownership of this project was with GoPay but they did not bother with it as they had sufficient users and had other things to worry about. Their OKRs did not align with getting more users. Whereas for us getting the numbers was of prime importance, which is why we took it up and drove it from the entire team. Ultimately its not about the size of the team sometime some of the biggest impacts are created with small teams positioned at strategic points.